Should my children see the body and go to the funeral?

It’s normal to be worried about involving children in the funeral arrangements, but it can be an important step in helping them to accept the death, express their grief and say goodbye. It may not always be possible or desirable for a child to see the body, but if they do it is important to prepare them. You may want to go into the viewing room beforehand so that you can describe to the child what they are going to see, and explain that the person may look different from the way they remember them, and will feel cold if they touch them.

Some children have said they found it helpful to be included in planning and taking part in the funeral, for example by taking flowers or pictures to put on the coffin, or by singing a song or reading a poem.

A funeral can be confusing for small children. You can help by explaining what will happen, and that some people might be crying. You may need to ask a friend or relative to look after your child during the ceremony and take them outside if they become restless.