National (UK Wide)

Inquests and coroners 

Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice has responsibility for coroner law and policy. A short guide to coroner services and coroner investigations (February 2014) (including Welsh versions) is available at:

You can also find information about coroner services here:

Coroners court support service


Offers casework service for those bereaved after a death in custody. Independent, free legal and advise service.

Write to: Inquest, 89-93, Fonthill Road, London N4 3JH.

The Inquest Handbook can be read on the website or purchased from Inquest. 

Financial Issues and Wills

Department for work and pensions and bereavement benefits

Leaflet and form BB1 (including Welsh version) is also available online at:

Or apply by phone by contacting the Bereavement Service helpline:

Tel: 0800 151 2012
Welsh Language: 0800 731 0453
Textphone: 0800 731 0464
Welsh Language textphone: 0800 731 0456


British Humanist Association

Information for facilitators for non-religious, non-spiritual and atheist funerals.

Cremation Society of Great Britain

Free advice and help.

National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD)

Natural Death Centre

Charitable project to help people arrange inexpensive, family-organised and environmentally-friendly funerals.

What to do after a death in England and Wales

Department for Work and Pensions Information is available from the Government website:

HM Revenue and Customs 

For information on what to do about tax when someone dies: 

HMRC Bereavement helpline 0300 200 3300 (8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm Saturday. Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays).

Bereavement Register

Free service to remove details of people who have died from direct mail databases.

Citizens Advice

Information on all aspects of bereavement, including registering the death, arranging the funeral and bereavement benefits available.

Tell us once

Tell Us Once is a service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go.

Information is available from the Government website at: need-to-contact-and-tell-us-once

Bereavement Organisations

Childhood Bereavement Network

Local and national information and support for children, their families and caregivers.

Child Bereavement UK

Resources for children, families and the professionals who support them. Phone lines open 9am to 5pm

Cruse Bereavement Care

Provides advice and support

Hope Again

Cruse Bereavement Care also funds the website ‘Hope Again’, which is designed for young people by young people. It includes information and forums where young people can share their experiences.

The Compassionate Friends

Supports bereaved parents and their families after a child dies.

Lesbian and Gay Bereavement Helpline (London based)

Care for the Family

Is a national charity that aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. The charity does this by strengthening marriages, supporting parents and helping the bereaved. This is done through events, resources, training and a network of befrienders.

The organisation has a number of initiatives to support families through bereavement.

Write to:
Care for the Family, Garth House, Leon Avenue,
Cardiff CF15 7RG

Supporting individuals who have been widowed at a young age

Through a telephone support network, events and regular email newsletter.

Bereaved Parents Support

Offering hope and comfort to those who have lost a child of any age and in any circumstance – again through a telephone support network, events and a regular email newsletter.

WAY Widowed and Young

Provides support, advice and friendship to those who have been bereaved of a partner under the age of 50.

Write to:
WAY Widowed and Young, Suite 17, College
Business Centre, Uttoxeter Road, Derby
DE22 3WZ

Support after Suicide

A website with details of organisations who offer support to people bereaved by suicide and information about relevant resources. The website is provided by the Suicide Bereavement Support Partnership, an alliance of organisations with a focus on providing timely and appropriate support to everyone bereaved or affected by suicide.

First Hand

General practice staff

Your GP may be able to help you during bereavement either by listening and offering emotional support, by prescribing drugs for problems like sleeplessness or depression if needed, or by advising you about other sources of support and referring you to a counsellor, bereavement organisation or psychiatrist, for example. If there’s not a health professional you normally talk to, you can call:

NHS Direct: 111

Winstons Wish

Giving hope to grieving children.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide – SOBS

Offers group meetings, telephone support and information to meet the needs and break the isolation of people bereaved by suicide.

Patient advice & liaison service – PALS

Offering Bereavement support, signposting and online guidebooks.

Facing the future

Online peer support groups for those bereaved through suicide.

Papyrus Prevention of young suicide

Papyrus and their helpline also support bereavement through suicide and generalised bereavement support including useful guides and links to national documents.


National, 24-hour confidential telephone service for anyone feeling desperate or suicidal or going through any sort of personal crisis, including bereavement.

Freepost RSRB-KKBY-CYJK, P.O. Box 90 90,
Stirling FK8 2SA

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

Advice on choosing a therapist and list of accredited therapists.

Child Death Helpline

A helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child, from prebirth to the death of an adult child.

Muslim Bereavement Support Services

Support for Muslim parents after the death of a child: face-to-face, group, helpline support in several languages.

Heads above the Waves

Heads Above The Waves is a not-for-profit organisation that raises awareness of depression and self-harm in young people. Promoting positive, creative ways of dealing with the bad days.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous