Guidance for Learners

When you are looking for training and development opportunities it is helpful to be clear about what it is you need or want, and how different training providers might deliver it

  • Increased awareness and understanding of the issue and how they affect people
  • Increased knowledge and understanding about certain facts, the evidence base and best practice
  • Development of new or existing skills in how to deliver an intervention or manage a conversation with people you care for, or care about
  • Increased confidence to respond to people you are trying to help and to feel that you’re doing the right things

What you need may determine the length and mode of delivery for the training. For example, developing skills and confidence may require interaction with others, and time and a safe space in which to test and practice your learning. Knowledge, awareness and understanding could be developed through interactive training videos, e-learning modules, virtual group sessions, and self-directed learning

You may want to look at what is available and plan a programme of learning for yourself, starting with shorter, more accessible training offers, moving on to longer more interactive workshops and perhaps face-to-face programmes

When there are a lot of training providers offering very similar but different products or programmes, it is sometimes difficult to know whether the training you will receive will be of high quality, and safe. You may want to check whether the training is:
  • a nationally or internationally recognised programme e.g. licenced training products (although these can sometimes be inflexible)
  • accredited or quality assured by an external quality assurance body
  • designed and delivered with the involvement of people with lived experience
  • delivered by trainers who are experienced in the field, with the technical expertise to deliver the training regarding both their training skills, and their knowledge and understanding of the topic area
  • delivered by organisations who also deliver services and can draw on their current practice to enhance their learning and development offer
  • delivered through a range of approaches throughout their offer to support different learning styles and preferences, or a hybrid offer of face-to-face and virtual delivery (multi-channel)
  • evaluated for effectiveness and the outcomes of those evaluations shared openly
  • followed up by the provider to check on how you have been able to apply your learning, and whether you need further support or further learning