SP-EAK : Suicide Prevention Explore Ask Keep-Safe
Aims and target audience
SP-EAK Suicide Prevention – Explore, Ask, Keep-Safe. An introduction to Suicide Prevention skills
The key objectives are:
- To consider the attitudes, myths and stigma that surround suicide
- To recognise and explore the ‘signs’ that may indicate someone is having thoughts of suicide
- To encourage an open, safe and sensitive conversation about suicide with a person having thoughts of suicide
- To support a safety plan with someone thinking of suicide
SP-EAK is aimed at those who work directly with young people who may have thoughts of suicide and will support them. It includes the safety planning method of supporting young people.
Learning outcomes
- Identify myths and facts around suicide
- Understand the magnitude of suicide in the UK and the difficulties around accurately reflecting the levels of suicide attempts and thoughts in the UK
- Spot the signs of suicidal thoughts
- Name vulnerable groups and how suicide affects them
- Discuss the stigma around suicide and talking openly about the subject
- Identify life events that may lead to suicidal thoughts
- Ask if someone is having suicidal thoughts using appropriate and safe language
- Know how to respond to someone who discloses thoughts of suicide
- Complete a suicide safety plan with a young person who has suicidal thoughts
- Know referral agencies and other support groups for longer term support, including PAPYRUS’s HOPELINE UK
- Understand the importance of self-care and looking after yourself while supporting others
Delivery methods and styles
SP-EAK is an interactive workshop that can be delivered both online and face to face. It involves participation from those attending in small groups and through feeding back information and discussions to a PAPYRUS trainer. A mixture of videos, slides and practical tasks will be used throughout the session. There will also be a short break in the middle of the training.
Knowledge and skills required of the trainers
- Extensive knowledge of suicide prevention
- Expertise in working with young people, including suicide safety planning
- Understanding of how to convey sensitive information in a safe and appropriate manner
- Ability to lead discussions in a safe and supportive way
- Knowledge of the work of PAPYRUS, especially the HOPELINE UK use of safety planning to save young lives
- Expertise in delivering training on sensitive topics and dealing with responses
Involvement of people with lived experience
PAPYRUS was founded by parents who lost children and young people to suicide and so lived experience has always been at the core of what we do. From the trustee board to our workforce and volunteers, PAPYRUS involves those with lived experience in everything we do, including informing our training.
Assessment, CPD credits, certification
SP-EAK is accredited through the CPD accreditation network. 3.5 hours of CPD will be allocated to each person completing the training and certificates will be sent directly from CPD four to six weeks after the training.
PAPYRUS operates an internal quality assurance system and additionally each training participant is asked to evaluate their training experience.